Friday, October 29, 2010

Epic of Gilgamesh Summary

The Epic of Gilgamesh is about this guy and he powerful because he's a third man and two parts God. Now there are many Gods and there all powerful and one of the daughters of the Gods wants Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh denies the God's daughter so they send down this hairy man assassin to come and kill him. Well Hairy man assassin, better know as Endiku, becomes friends with Gilgamesh. Well the Gods aren't to happy about that, so they want to kill one of them because they are two powerful together. So they decide to kill Endiku. This is when Gilgamesh realizes, he's going to die. So Gilgamesh freaks out and tries to get everlasting life. He goes on this big journey to meet another guy called Utnamushtum. Now Utnapishtim is goes all wisom-y and tells Gilgamesh that he'll never gets what he wants. So Gilgamesh goes home, and has a new appreciation in life.

The End

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