Monday, May 2, 2011

Do not read yet.

My mother roused me awake from my peaceful slumber. Those nights spent in my mother's warm embrace, are something that I truly miss. Whispers of "Time for school" would tickle my ears. And the prospects of the new day would fill my heart with optimism. I would crawl over my father's stomach, stepping accidentally on his mountain stomach forcing his snores into gasps of surprise. My fire cracker personality would burst open the curtains, and awaken the household. My sole purpose in life would surface into my brain and it the unpleasant raking of my unruly hair easier.

My animal backpack would fill with my stuffed toys, that I would proudly show off at show and tell. Hopefully today I would learn what the black and white horses on bag where called. The anticipation of knowledge thrilled me. I sprinted to the car and clawed at the door until my mother would lift me up into the seat. My would fuss around with with the knobs, and the speakers would gargle until she made it 94.5.
Listening to the soulful women belt out loud and powerful songs entertained until the crosswalk came into sight.

Waving to the lady cop, and jumping out of the car, I bolted across to the pavement to the grassy center of the school's front. Placing my backpack neatly at the doors, my mind made a click, and I scanned the roving packs of children. "Now it was time", I thought to myself, it was time to find my prey. Stalking throughout the crowd in my pink pants. There he was, the boy whom I loved so much. My little romance, he was so adorable. I pictured our marriage, and my heart leapt. "Now I must make him mine" the voice in my head screamed. Our game of back and forth went on since the day I met him. Knowing me, knowing me intentions, he bolted at the sight of me. And my school day had begun. He darted away from me, and I gave him a head start before I sprinted toward him. Fortunately form myself, my legs could carry me farther than his. The cold morning air would painfully burn my lungs, as I sprinted after him. With in seconds he would be wrapped in my arms, and he would tumble onto the grassy ground with my hands clutching in back. My pale mouse shivered out of fear, and he squeaked out of embarrassment as my harassing lips made contact with his cheeks.
And for the rest of our early morning play time, he would be my one and only.  But my ambition and love would override my nervous system and simply propel me forward.

The boy and I parted, slowly in grade school as I became self aware of my behavior. And I don't believe he ever recounts our early love affair.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World (What inspires you?)

Humanity inspires me to get up everyday. It isn't one specific person, place or thing. Every person in my life motivates me to do something different. Whether it be positive or negative. My Mother's struggle and her tales of woe, fight off my depression. My father's strength holds me up, above all the monsters. If though he can't fight them off himself. My sister's austere love for me, shelters me from the maelstroms my parents accidentally send my way.
To choose one particular aspect of life that moves me is criminal. The forest and the trees encourage me to create. The whispering rustles of their leaves cry out to me, telling me to write. The birds that come to feed off my hands, tell me to live, because life itself is constantly running by. And every spring when the daffodils poke their heads out of the dirt and rocks tell me to fight. Just as they have been doing, to try to meet the sun.
Life motivates me to keep going. I am forever entrapped in it's beauty and though from time to time I get bogged down by the horrible misfortunes and become a pessimist. I only have to remember why I do what I do and life itself looses it's gray and becomes colorful again.

The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World (Question 1)

1. Did this story turn out the way you expected?

I didn't expect much from the story but it did tug at my heartstrings. 

The Guest (Answer 6 Questions)

1. What do you predict will happen to Daru now that the Arab's kinsmen have threatened him.

Daru will go about his lonely business, unaffected for the most part by the threat. Then when they come for him he will take his death apathetically.

*What crime has the Arab committed?
He killed his cousin.

*Why has Balducci brought the Arab to Daru.
Balducci expects Daru to take the Arab to prison.

2. Why do you think the Arab chooses to go to prison rather than go free? Explain your response.

I believe that the Arab didn't go free because he was held down by his own guilt. He obviously felt bad, by the way he respond when Daru asked why he murdered. The Arab also feels obligated to go because of his small insignificant bond with Daru.

4. Contrast Daru and Balducci in their attitude toward the Arab.

It's quite obvious that Balducci is less trust toward the Arab. It's probably because he deals with more prisoners therefore he knows that most of them are bad. Daru however seems more trusting because he doesn't see many people. Daru believes in non violent actions so that is why he untied and let the Arab go. However Balducci makes sure that Daru has a weapon just in case. Another big difference is that Balducci feels obligated to his country which is why he is a police man.  Unlike Daru would would rather watch his country burn to the ground then get involved.

5. Irony is a surprising contrast between expectation and reality. What is ironic about what happens to Daru at the end of the story.

The ironic part about the end of the story is because the Arab's kinsman blame him, when the Arab himself choice to go to jail.

6. How does the setting-both the historical context and the desert landscape-affect the plot of this story?

The setting affects the story because even if the Arab was malicious where could he escape to in the hot desert.

7.  What if? Image that Daru had escorted the Arab to the nomads. How would your reaction to the story be different.

I believe I would be more disappointed. I didn't like that Daru left the Arab like that, but it added to the story. If it ended happily than I would be upset.

The Guest (Question on Page 1251)

Balducci feels insulted by Daru, because Balducci feels that it is Daru's obligation to help the French when there is conflict going on. Balducci feels that by Daru not following orders, he is betraying his country. Balducci is obviously dedicated to French and that is why he feels insulted.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dumb english questions

1. I was so bored with the battle I could have fallen asleep. It wasn't to thrilling.

2. Rama was able to defeat Ravanna because he is the hero and that is what heroes do

4.  Rama is the classic hero, that always does good in everything. He respects everyone (how typical) even his enemies.

5.  Ravanna is a cool kid, but no heroic.

7.  Rama and Arjuna are basically the same person. Focased, made of win and the protaganist. Blah Blah blah

Yes this is updated at 2 in the morning because I can't sleep....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Big girl with curls, I hope became even more beautiful than you are. I wish you do whatever you please, and other be satisfied with that fact. Girl with curls I hope that you can shake your insecurities, and live for once. Lastly, girl with long and beautiful curls I hope you can face reality, and not fix it but embrace it.