Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World (What inspires you?)

Humanity inspires me to get up everyday. It isn't one specific person, place or thing. Every person in my life motivates me to do something different. Whether it be positive or negative. My Mother's struggle and her tales of woe, fight off my depression. My father's strength holds me up, above all the monsters. If though he can't fight them off himself. My sister's austere love for me, shelters me from the maelstroms my parents accidentally send my way.
To choose one particular aspect of life that moves me is criminal. The forest and the trees encourage me to create. The whispering rustles of their leaves cry out to me, telling me to write. The birds that come to feed off my hands, tell me to live, because life itself is constantly running by. And every spring when the daffodils poke their heads out of the dirt and rocks tell me to fight. Just as they have been doing, to try to meet the sun.
Life motivates me to keep going. I am forever entrapped in it's beauty and though from time to time I get bogged down by the horrible misfortunes and become a pessimist. I only have to remember why I do what I do and life itself looses it's gray and becomes colorful again.

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